Wednesday 18 May 2011

Tree's and "Scrubs"

The weather has been more than awesome for the last few weeks.  The landscaping season has begun!  And trust me - I have noticed.  Steve is no-where to be found for the most part of my life.  That's okay though, because there has been lots of progress in his world...

...and this is where there is supposed to be pictures of trees and shrubs but my internet is so slow now a days that I cannot possibly wait any longer for these pictures (not) to load.

In other news, I have been doing really really bad at my meal plan.  I tried and I still have those recipes in the back of my head.  I have recently joined a Zumba class 2x per week (M/W @ 7PM) and I am playing soccer as well.  Work has been getting busier (whoop whoop!) and it makes it difficult to make supper and eat on time when I am going to be doing some good exercise after.  I am in a pickle.  Steve cooked tonight (we ate after I got back from Zumba) and we were supposed to have chicken sandwiches.  I didn't tell him that though so he made chicken, peas and egg rolls.  Everything was yummy except he went a little salt happy on the chicken.  I couldn't finish mine.  I am realizing that since I started eating slightly healthier that I am noticing the amount of salt in a number of foods.  I have always really loved salt so I think this is progress.

Anyway, I am beat.  I am going to finish watching the Canucks KICK SAN JOSE'S ass and then go to bed.  LONG day at work tomorrow!


1 comment:

  1. Its crazy how much you notice salt after you start cutting it out! See, Im not as crazy of a salt noticer as you think I am!
